We don't think BIG,
We think GLOBAL.


NFT Music platform, makes it possible to earn by owning a song.

Mosh is the platform that lets user buy catalogs of music as NFT and collect a portion of royalties as the music plays on digital platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. Plus, get fan-only perks directly from the artists you support.


1. Planing
2. full web2/web3 front-end back-end integration, testing smart contracts, implementation of custodial wallet and transferFrom mechanisms for credit card buyers
3. Tools: Firebase, Django REST, Brownie, web3.py, Solidity


Community based banking and asset management platform.

FluidNFT Community Banking and Asset Management for NFTs supported by ConsenSys Mesh & Protocol Labs.. We develop this project as a protocol that will allow users to use their NFT as a coletar for browning stablecoins, on-chain licensing, rentals as well as sale of their NFT.


1. Planing
2. Backend Development ( Smart contract writing and testing, web3 back-end integration, implementation of ERC712 standard mechanism for on chain ingestion of off chain NFT price feeds.
3. Front end implementation.
4. Tools & languages: Foundry, HardHat, JavaScript, Python, Ether.Js, Solidity.


Web and Mobile app for medication delivery.

Deliver My Pack is the platform meant for medication delivery in state of NY. It was developed for both, web and mobile.


1. Planing
2. Project Management
3. UI&UX Design
4. Backend - NodeJs & Firebase
5. Web Development - ReactJs
6. Mobile Development - Native Technologies


Upsurge was a financial trading platform.

Upsurge finance, was a Startup from NY state, they had a goal to make now trading platform for investors. A while ago, they have changed their niche to NFT’s.


1. Project Management
2. UI/UX Design
3. Mobile Development - Kotlin


Web Platform for learning.

Pepsico Galaxy Manager wanted to provide their managers with new learning platforms o they can improve or develop new skills.


1. Project Management
2. UI/UX Design
3. Web Development - ReactJS
4. Responsiveness


Web & App design and development

NewsLab was a small startUp from Germany, we help them develop their first web platform, made it responsive on all devices and also designed it.


1. Project management
2. UI/UX Design
3. Web Development - ReactJS
4. Responsiveness